Fashion Magazine

Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Happy Sunday!
Goals have been on my mind lately.  A few things have been floating around my brain for the past few months.  But, wait!  It involves the comfort zone and "stepping" outside the safe little box.  A little scary, I know.  Sometimes, the need to step outside of the zone, the comfort zone is absolutely imperative to succeed.  You know outside the box.  Come on, you know exactly what I mean.  Yes, you do...  Not necessarily clothes (as you see below) but, the itty, bitty, little bubble that surrounds us in all facets of our life. the safe zone.  Do I dare step outside of this safe little bubble?
You just need to take the "plunge" and branch out...  I'm working on it!  It's hard.  I want to remain in the comfort zone.  However, change is inevitable.  And with change you are taken out of the zone.
Currently, I'm working on goals for Blondie's Shop and ...this & that... of which involve me stepping way, far outside the zone.  But, I'm game and I will be surrounding myself with some very talented people to help me achieve my goals!  It's going to be a lot of hard work: blood, sweat and tears.
I thought today's outfit would be a great indicator that I AM going to step outside the bubble, branch out and accomplish my goals!  Woohoo!  Enjoy the sassy little number I've chosen for today and yes, I would happily wear it!  It's sassy and sexy.  And would definitely make a statement, right?!  Right.  Have a wonderful Sunday and make it a great one!
Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}
Black is cool :P
Black is cool :P by biebs24 featuring heel booties
Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}Sassy Stylin' Sunday: Leopard & Leather {#Goals}

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