Culture Magazine

Sarah Jessica Parker in The EDIT Magazine

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi

SJP The EDIT Magazine MAY 1 2014 MAIN FAF

The always so amazingly fashionable and elegant Sarah Jessica Parker is on the cover of the latest Net-A-Porter The Edit Magazine. SJP looks amazing in the floral prints and has even ditched her trademark high-heels and is wearing sneakers in one photo. And still she manages to look like she would be wearing heels. How does she do it? In the article she talks candidly about the recent media storm surrounding her, her own designing experience and the downside of Social Media.

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SJP on Social Media: ‘I don’t think you can be like that [people do not give thought to the words they hurl out into the ether] without thinking about what you are saying. Other people can be mean, and that’s something I just have to make peace with. That was my worry before engaging in social media; I was afraid of it. I see mean stuff every day: when I look at Twitter I scroll with one eye open and one closed.’

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SJP on the fashion industry: ‘My heart goes out to designers. The expectations, the demands they put on themselves. They put everything on the line. It takes fortitude to survive it. I feel so sad about L’Wren [Scott]. I have friends who struggle for no good reason; incredibly talented people who have to fight for attention.’

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SJP on selfies: ‘Which I never do [taking selfies], because I feel like an idiot.’

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The power that is Sarah Jessica Parker: And somehow, illogically, merely because she likes it, I fall in love with the name [Jennifer] I have resented since childhood. That is the power of Sarah Jessica Parker: she makes you feel good. And that is the very best kind of woman.

SJP The EDIT Magazine MAY 1 2014 FAF Cover

Photos and Quotes: Net-A-Porter The EDIT Magazine

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