I’ve seen a few different variations of salt dough Christmas decorations doing the rounds lately. My best friend got in early though and sent me a recipe and directions to make Santa decorations for the Christmas Tree, incorporating your child’s hand imprint. They looked great and similar to the salt dough hand and foot imprints I had made in the past. I had to give them a go.

I have searched the net trying to find the original source, to no avail. It has come through my Facebook news feed multiple times and I have found it re-posted on various blogs. So if anyone out there knows where it first came from, please let me know so I can give credit to them.
First I made the dough, (using the above recipe). Then I divided the dough in two and flattened them out so they were big enough to fit a toddler’s hand. Now is was time for little hands to join the party. I imprinted B1 and B2′s hands into them.
I made a little hole at the bottom under the palm, using a pen to put some ribbon through so I could hang them.
Next, I placed them in my pre-heated oven of 100 degrees. Now, as with my last salt dough efforts, mine took much longer than the recommended 3 hours. I do believe this is my oven, as things always take longer to cook than any recipe or instructions tell me they will. Go by your own oven and check them as you go.
I then did a base coat of white paint. Once that was dry, I painted on the Santa using black and red paint.

It is recommended to seal them so the bugs don’t eat away at them over time and to help stop them from going soggy.
Tie some ribbon through the hole for hanging and you are done.

We also made some for the grandparents’ trees.
I can’t wait to hang them.
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