Politics Magazine

Ronna Romney McDaniel For Senate?: The Pollitics Today Election News Dump!

Posted on the 15 March 2013 by Polliticstoday @polliticstoday

It’s that time of week again where we take a look at every little news tidbit that we can find regarding future elections.  Sounds exhilarating right?  In case you haven’t yet and are reading this, how about you like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter?  Just click the links on the names of the site and you are already halfway there!

Let’s take a look at what’s going on!

Senate ’14

North Carolina:  The field forms and candidates jockey for position

Only Dr. Greg Brannon, a Tea Party favorite, has announced his candidacy to take on freshman Democrat Kay Hagan but House Speaker Thom Tillis looks to be on the move. Tillis stars in a new ad by the North Carolina House Legislative Partners and ask for Tarheel State residents to complete an online survey on their stances on state issues.

To me that just sounds like a level of disconnect between candidates, lobbyists and American people but that’s just me.

New Jersey: Booker Overwhelming Favorite For Democrats

Newark Mayor Cory Booker might be one of the most well-known rising Democrats in the nation and it appears that belief is also evident in his home state of New Jersey.  Booker, who is the only candidate filed with the FEC, capitalized off of his name recognition to earn 51% of the voters.

Booker’s likely two Democratic challengers, Rep. Frank Pallone and Rep. Rush Holt are under 10%.  Pallone will likely make a leap into the race and I can imagine that he will dent Booker a bit given Booker’s Wall Street financial donors.

Still, its Booker’s race to lose.

South Carolina:  Lindsey Graham will be hard to topple

  • Lindsey Graham Shows Political Strength

When looking at possible contested primaries for 2014, the best bet probably would have been to expect a Tea Party/Club for Growth challenge to incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham.  Graham, who is more than safely conservative, has occasionally compromised with Democrats and his friendship with John McCain has been despised by the right.

Still, Graham unlike Richard Lugar, is a great campaigner and seems to be very involved in his state.  Some older senators become associated with D.C. as opposed to their home state but Graham does a good job in South Carolina.  It’s rumored in the linked article that State Rep. Lee Bright could challenge Graham from the right but it’s unlikely he’d push Graham aside.

Michigan:  The Romney Dynasty Expands?

George, Mitt, Lenore, G. Scott are all members of the Romney political family who have ran for political office.  They are practically the Kennedys or Bushes, if they were famous for losing elections rather than actually serving in office.  Anyway, after Mitt’s brother G. Scott Romney decided to not run for the seat that Carl Levin is retiring from; he floated the name of his daughter, Ronna, as a potential prospect.

Well it looks like Ronna is considering the bid and the Romney name does not appear to be dying in any sense of the word.  If she does run, she’d clearly have the fundraising advantage and would likely have members of her family actively campaigning for her.  No idea if the latter is an advantage or disadvantage.

Here’s also a mini-fun fact to start your day off.  George Romney’s (Mitt’s father) wife, Lenore, lost the race to be Michigan’s Senator in 1970.  Ronna Romney (Ronna’s mother and Mitt’s sister-in-law) was unsuccessful in 1996 to obtain the Michigan Senate seat.  Now, it’s possible Ronna’s daughter and Lenore’s granddaughter could complete the trifecta of losing.  Think about that.

Tennessee:  Lamar Alexander Seems Safe For Re-Election

  • Lamar Alexander Touts Backing Of Prominent Republican Party Members

There have been some whispers of a potential primary challenge to Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander but he seems to be trying to squash those whispers.  Alexander recently touted the endorsements of former Governors Winfield Dunn and Don Sundquist as well as former Senators Bill Frist and Fred Thompson.  Former Majority Leader Howard Baker and former Senator Bill Brock have joined the Alexander campaign.

The who’s who of Tennessean politicians backing Alexander proves that he must’ve had some fears of a primary but those might be long gone with all these heavyweights surrounding him.

White House 2016

  • Scott Walker Keynoting Iowa GOP Fundraiser

Recently presidential buzz surrounding Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has cooled off a tad but those rumors should be kicked up a notch following the announcement that Walker will be keynoting a speech at an Iowa GOP fundraiser.

Of course, Iowa is the first test for aspiring politicians as its caucus is the first in the nation.  Therefore any trip made by a politician to Iowa will always generate a bit more buzz than any other state.  Walker is relatively local so it’s not the biggest stretch but he could be testing the waters for a national run.

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