Fashion Magazine

Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


As you can see I filmed a video to review this, but i’m also writing one because not everyone likes watching videos, plus it’s easier to get across what you want to say in words, and I can add things I forgot.

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I got this for free in my Lush goody bag from the Sheffield Meet Up in May. I took it away with me to Ibiza and while there I was using it as a normal body moisturiser on my sunburn, but it felt very greasy and settled on the skin rather than sinking in. It wasn’t until I got home that I noticed the how to use section, which says to use like a hair conditioner.

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I really like the smell of this, it’s different to the smell of argan oil, which is nice, and it has the scents of rose and vanilla, but all together they don’t create an overpowering smell. I’ve also found that the scent doesn’t linger for too long, which can be a nightmare for me, I like to wear a perfume and I don’t want scents which will conflict with each other and have me hating how I smell.

I’ve had about 15 full body applications from it, most of them while I was in Ibiza, when I got back I stopped using it because I had moisturiser which matched the exfoliator I was using. I did decide that I wanted to get it used up and reviewed, today I finally used the last drop, and got another couple of uses out of it. It has left my skin feeling really nice and soft, and my legs feel soft too even though they are getting a little fuzzy again.

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I think it’s something that I would use as an extra to a pampering bath rather than something I would use all the time, but then again it cuts down on the step of moisturising once you’re out of the shower. The body butter I use is £2 for 200ml, where as this is £15.50 for 225g. If you were to ask would I want to use it everyday, then the answer is yes, but can I afford too, the answer is no. It will be repurchased though to use when my skin needs some extra love, or when I want to have a nice pampering bath.

You can find Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner here on the Lush website.

Tink x

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