Culture Magazine

R.I.P. Stamford Trading Ghostsign, Hoxton

By Janeslondon

This enormous ghostsign for Stamford Veneers, high up on a Kingsland Road stables building facing the Overground Line at Hoxton has recently been overpainted. R.I.P. Stamford Trading ghostsign, HoxtonPic credit: by StockCarPete – see his full image hereIt had been visible since the mid-1940s. My pics below, taken from the railway track, show the sign in October 2019 and earlier this month (Jan2024):R.I.P. Stamford Trading ghostsign, HoxtonIt’s beyond me why whoever did this wasted so much time and effort on this shoddy obliteration, though it doesn't appear that they spent much money. By which I mean, it's not even been painted out properly – it's patchy – there are varying sections of thin and thick paint and roller marks are clearly visible. I suggest this has been achieved at speed involving long ladders possibly at night time, rather than using a reliable contractor and scaffolding. The sign featured a great example of the old Shoreditch telephone code and formed one of the first stops on my Hoxton and Shoreditch ghostsigns guided walk. I'll still include it on the walk though as a case study. Oh well, the modern paint will fade away over time. The old sign will gradually re-emerge.

More telephone codes here.

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