Politics Magazine

Rewriting Dictionaries

Posted on the 01 July 2018 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

When this is all over we’re going to need a whole lot of new definitions.As news became public of the US government literally ripping crying children from their mothers’ arms and keeping them in cages, with the full blessing of the Republican Party, blame began to fly.The liar-in-chief said it was the Democrats’ fault (of course), although they were the ones advocating for immigrants.So he signed an executive order to stop what he started and proclaim himself a hero for doing so.The images were so outrageous that even Evangelicals seem to have been shaken from their lotus-induced adoration of Trump to limply and lately raise a hand in protest.Almost forgotten is the fact that in November of 2016, and even before, many were saying this was an Orwellian candidate.We were warned that this would happen.We walked into this with our eyes wide open.

Rewriting Dictionaries

Fox News, however, prefers to broadcast with its eyes shut.A charming young man named Adolf can look appealing if you pardon the saliva dripping from his lips and the hatred in his eyes.All you have to do is say “America” loud enough and long enough and the mindless will agree to just about anything.This nation was founded on the abuse of children, after all.That’s how you show you’re a big, strong, man, right?That and carry your gun out in public where everyone can see it.I can’t help but think overweening masculinity is the heart of the problem.

Another part is unclear definitions.“Pertaining to or in keeping with the gospel and its teachings” is how Dictionary.com defines “evangelical.”Problem is, there’s no part of the gospel that justifies the Grand Old Party.I seem to recall Jesus saying something about “Let the children come to me, forbid them not.”Or something like that.And, oh yeah, “for such are the kingdom of Heaven.”The Republican Heaven is starting to look a lot more like Purgatory to me.The only difference is that Purgatory is intended to prepare the soul for Heaven.Besides, what has any of that to do with Evangelicals—whoever they are?They’re certainly not Catholic.Unless Catholics support Trump and then they can be Evangelicals too.Anyone’s allowed to join as long as their skin isn’t too dark.This is a world where a police officer can become a prophet and a heart a spade.As long as we can keep the brand everything will be just fine.

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