Books Magazine

Review–The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3) by Gena Showalter

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
2712967 The Darkest Pleasure ( Lords of the Underworld #3) by Gena Showalter Summary: Reyes is a man possessed. Bound by the demon of pain, he is forbidden to know pleasure. Yet he craves a mortal woman, Danika Ford, more than breath and will do anything to claim her--even defy the gods.Danika is on the run. For months she's eluded the Lords of the Underworld, immortal warriors who won't rest until she and her family have been destroyed. But her dreams are haunted by Reyes, the warrior whose searing touch she can't forget. Yet a future together could mean death to all they both hold dear....

Source: I purchased a Kindle copy.
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The Darkest Pleasure was really good. I was very eager to see Reyes finally get his story with Danika after the first book. He was definitely gunning for her and she couldn’t get her mind off of him in the other books and I knew they both needed to collide.
I realize that everyone in the fortress will eventually find their match. And while that gets repetitive and I think I’m taking a break from the series so that I don’t get bored with it, it’s kind of interesting at the same time. I’m curious as to what qualities will be needed to tame whatever demon is inside of each warrior. And Reyes was definitely an interesting project because his demon was pain. Danika didn’t seem like anyone who was super into anything like that, so I wondered how it would all work out.
I really liked Reyes. I felt like The Darkest Pleasure was dark, but sweet at the same time. Danika started out as someone I didn’t like very much because I didn’t think she was able to handle the kind of darkness that the warriors have inside of them, but she surprised me. I loved the angst and the tension between the two of them together, with Danika fighting her fear and admitting her attraction and Reyes fighting with his demon and worried about ruining her.
The fact that Danika ended up being crucial to the plot was kind of awesome and it makes me eager to read the rest of the series. I love each romance and the fact that each guy will (hopefully) get his shot, but I also like seeing the overall plot unfold. The side plots with other characters, like that of Paris, were also incredibly interesting.
As I said, I’m taking a break. I started to see other line ups start to happen and I know that each book will bring a new match. The similarities in each romance can get a little tiresome, but I love the series. I think it’s probably one that is best read in pairs or threes so that it doesn’t seem so predictable sometimes. I can’t wait to return to it, but I know I need to read something else in between.
I definitely recommend the books. I am planning to eventually read all of Showalter’s books because I love her writing so much.

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