Family Magazine

Review – Jungle Magic Garden Sciencz

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

October 19, 2017 Leave a Comment

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Review – Jungle Magic Garden Sciencz

Diwali is a special festival mostly because it brightens up the mood. And this Diwali was made special with the Jungle Magic Garden Sciencz which we bought for kids.

The box was well packed with quick easy to understand process of growing crops in Indian environment. They aptly packed everything that one needs to organically grow plants at home.
Curiosity kills the cat.

The little one was curious to learn the entire process of sowing seeds, watering and is now curiously waiting for the plant to come up. It rightly taught about germination of seeds, requirements of plants to grow, their food and water needs and much more.

The wonderful experience of learning the basics of botany as a family called for surely writing a few words of appreciation for them. It also details about states significant crops, greenhouse effect and overall teaches lifecycle of plants in most friendly ways.

Review – Jungle Magic Garden Sciencz

(detailing so neatly done that it is self explanatory)

I would surely recommend this as a Diwali gift for kids and tweens who hear so much about keeping the city clean, but wonder how. Here is our chance to help them understand and learn the ways of keeping the environment green. And make them happy kids with plants to live by.

Review – Jungle Magic Garden Sciencz

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