Books Magazine

Review: Cloche and Dagger by Jenn McKinlay

By Girllostinabook
Review:  Cloche and Dagger by Jenn McKinlay Description (from cover):
'Here's your hat. What's your hurry?
Not only is Scarlett Parker's love life in the loo--as her British cousin Vivian Tremont would say--it's also gone viral with an embarrassing video. So when Viv suggests Scarlett leave Florida to lay low in London, she hops on the next plane across the pond. Viv is the proprietor of Mim's Whims, a ladies' hat shop on Portobello Road bequeathed to both cousins by their beloved grandmother, and she wants Scarlett to finally join her in the millinery business.
But a few surprised await Scarlett in London. First, she is met at the airport not by Viv, but by her handsome business manager, Harrison Wentworth. Second, Viv--who has some whims of her own--seems to be missing. No one is too concerned about the unpredictable Viv until one of her posh clients is found dead wearing the cloche hat Viv made for her--and nothing else. Is Scarlett's cousin in trouble? Or is she in hiding?'
My thoughts:
I absolutely adored this book. Personally, I wasn't expecting all that much, but wow, this book was totally awesome. I loved the setting as any Anglophile would and it really seemed to work because the main character is from the US but is laying low in London for a while. What I wouldn't give to have a cousin and a life where I could drop everything and go live in England. I might not even come back. This book was a perfect escape to a country where I would love to visit. It was like taking a trip without ever having to leave the coziness of my own house. 
The main character Scarlett Parker is so humorous, it is impossible not to like her. This book had me laughing in some places. I really loved the setting and the theme is something that can be considered unique. Who would think that hats would be so interesting? The author did a fantastic job of creating fabulous characters and a storyline that leaves you captivated from the first page. The mystery was well-developed and left me guessing the murderer until the reveal. I didn't see the ending coming and that is what I love the best about mysteries. When they are obvious, it's no fun. 
If you are the Anglophile that I am, I think that you will love this book as well. The author does a fantastic job of portraying London for someone who doesn't know a lot about the country. It was a very believable read and I can see the research paid off. If you are looking for a cozy mystery that will keep you on your toes and entertained at the same time, then this is the book for you. Can't wait for the next one and I am hoping that I won't have to wait long.
Overall Rating: 5+
Title:  Cloche and Dagger
Author:  Jenn McKinlay
Series:  Hat Shop Mystery #1
Publisher:  Berkley
Publication Date:  August 6, 2013
Pages:  304
Genre:  Cozy Mystery
Get It:  Amazon; Barnes & Noble
Disclaimer: This book was selected from the library by myself and I reviewed this book without compensation of any kind. All thoughts and opinions are solely mine.

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