Hair & Beauty Magazine

Remember Me?

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Hello, anyone remember me?
It has been quite a few months since I have posted anything on here and I wasn't sure if I was going to again to be honest. Life has changed a lot for me over the last 7 months and during my weight loss journey I changed a lot too. Unfortunately this did mean I lost my love for my blog along the way.
Well life has settled down now, life is going in the direction I want it too and with a bit of encouragement from friends and family I have decided to start blogging again. To begin with I thought I wanted to start a new blog altogether but have decided to stick with Brightowngirl as a lot of blood and sweat in this little space on the net for it all to go to waste.
So what to expect from me? Well of course I will be sticking to beauty, my love for it is no where near what it used to be but I am a woman and an ex addict so there will always be some sort of love for it. I want to go down the lifestyle route, so expect fashion, food, fitness, nutrition and everything in between. Also my partner wants to get involved with it with his input on fitness, nutrition and mens skincare. (I have actually found a man that likes skincare and nice smelling bath products as much as me, its a little worrying.)
The plan at the moment is to blog about three times a week as the posting everyday was just becoming too much like a chore and I think the pressure I was putting on myself was one of the reasons I lost interest. I am just going to stick with that for now and see how I get on.
So I hope at least one of you has missed me and glad I am back and I can't wait to get back involved in the blogging world.
Do comment below if there is anything you want me to write about, I am always happy for suggestions.

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