Lifestyle Magazine

Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel

By Dr.jenifer Sayyed @SayyedJenifer

Do you wish to have a body like a teenager? Do you feel upset and sad often about your vaginal health? Do you miss the good old intimate times?

Has a loose vagina lowered your confidence?

Well, “Loose vagina” is a myth which is used since ages to reflect the vaginal health, but in reality, it is not. Your Vagina is elastic; it can stretch accordingly and can be back to its previous shape.

Yes, with aging and childbirth, the vagina may become slightly loose, but the muscles expand and retract just like a rubber band.

So worry not, now you can again relive those moments and feel young as Everteen has an excellent product which will help you in maintaining complete vaginal health.

Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel

It is a unique gel extracted from pure and natural ingredients to help moisturize, tighten and revitalize vagina. The natural ingredients of Everteen vaginal tightening gel restore the elasticity of your vagina and bring back instant tightening sensation with increased blood flow into your vaginal muscles.

Everteen gel is a scientifically designed product and is formulated under the expert guidance of gynecologists. It is microbiologically, dermatologically and clinically tested formula without any side effects.

Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel

Benefits of Everteen Vaginal tightening gel:

  1. Tightens and Revitalizes Vagina
  2. Rejuvenates vaginal muscles, tone, and vigor
  3. Improves lubrication and reduces dryness
  4. prevents vaginal infections and itching
  5. Restores Post-Delivery Vaginal Elasticity

This product works wonder as it promotes cell regeneration in vaginal walls, and is Made From 100% Pure & Natural Ingredients.

How to use

It is recommended to be applied twice daily for 45days to get the desired result.

The vacuum pump bottle makes it very simple and easy to use.

Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel
  1. Wash your vagina & hands with clean water
  2. Sit in squatting position
  3. Remove the cap from the bottle
  4. Press one full pump to take 2-3 gms gel on your fingertip
  5. Apply gel with your fingertip inside the vagina in a circular motion
  6. Sit in a comfortable position for a few minutes
  7. Apply Everteen Gel twice daily

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Rediscover the Young in You with Everteen Vaginal Tightening & Revitalizing Gel

Follow the below Tips for Vaginal Health

Every woman wants to look and feel good. Be it her body or intimate area, this is the reason woman working hard to get back to her normal shape post-delivery.

To maintain vaginal health, follow a healthy lifestyle and practices.

1)   Be sexually responsible

2)   Use Intimate wash daily as it helps in preventing infections, itching, and vaginal odor.

3)   Do Kegel exercises: It helps to tone your pelvic floor muscles. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles as if you’re stopping your stream of urine, Once you’ he got the hang of it, do at least three sets of 10 kegel exercises a day.

4)   Don’t smoke and limit alcohol intake

5)   Do regular checkups

Important Note: Please Remember

It is advised to go for a patch test before using Everteen gel.

Also, please ensure that you:

  • Don’t use the gel during menses
  • Don’t use the gel during pregnancy
  • Don’t use if you are suffering from any medical condition or vaginal disease.

Kindly consult your gynecologist before using Everteen gel.

Has any query or doubt in mind? Feel free to comment it below.

Also, Check out the below video to know how Everteen gel works.

*Disclaimer– The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not meant to be a replacement for a doctor consultation, nor is it a medical recommendation or prescription of treatment.

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