Lifestyle Magazine

Quirky Lemon Wedding Ideas — Making Our Own Sunshine

By Claire

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (2)

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Kelly Weech decided to run a ‘rock the dress’ com­pe­ti­tion for a bride to wear her dress again. Today’s beau­ti­ful model Natalie was the win­ner of the com­pe­ti­tion as she suf­fered with a migraine on her wed­ding day and hon­ey­moon, has lost weight since get­ting mar­ried and wanted more from her photographs.

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (3)

Quirky lemon wed­ding ideas — a styled shoot

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (4)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (5)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (6)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (7)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (8)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (9)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (10)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (11)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (12)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (13)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (14)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (15)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (16)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (17)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (18)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (19)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (20)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (21)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (22)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (23)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (24)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (25)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (26)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (27)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (28)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (29)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (30)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (31)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (32)

quirky lemon wedding ideas Kelly Weech Photography (33)

Kelly Weech Pho­tog­ra­phy and 11 other Glouces­ter­shire sup­pli­ers col­lab­o­rated on this shoot in Ingle­side House, Cirences­ter to put a fruity twist on a vin­tage inspired ‘rock the dress’ shoot.

A deli­cious twist cre­ates a quirky lemon wed­ding theme

By Kelly Weech

To put a twist on the yel­low trend this sea­son we decide to opt for a lemon theme and incor­po­rated this into the flow­ers and table decor. This option would be great for those look­ing for an alter­na­tive approach and look­ing to save money by mak­ing decor themselves.

Yel­low and green go hand in hand and give a fresh and vibrant feel but still with a vin­tage appeal in the crock­ery, cut­lery and glass­ware used. The shoot cer­tainly achieved a sunny day look and we were very lucky with the weather.

We wanted the shoot to look not only look fresh but to fea­ture plenty of details for inspi­ra­tion. The var­i­ous shades of yel­low and green through­out tie every­thing together to give a beau­ti­ful vin­tage feel with ele­ments of the roman­tic and lush. The florist used pop­pies in all stages — in bud, just open­ing and open, as well as steel grass, ver­bena and yel­low iris to cre­ate a fresh look­ing bridal bouquet.

Ingle­side House pro­vided the per­fect venue for the photo shoot. After a year­long refur­bish­ment pro­gramme of love, Ingle­side House has been con­verted from a for­mer school to a stun­ning events, wed­dings and con­fer­ence cen­tre which has main­tained all its orig­i­nal fea­tures and charm. This Grade II listed stately home, beau­ti­ful in its sim­plic­ity, was the per­fect blank canvas.

Styling the bride to main­tain a quirky feel was very impor­tant. The bride wore her own dress and then the dresses seen in the shoot were specif­i­cally cho­sen designed to match the ambi­ence and décor.

Equally, the table decor was a great oppor­tu­nity for a num­ber of sup­pli­ers to work together and really show­case our citrus-meets-vintage yel­low and green theme. Using a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent coloured glass­ware, mis­matched vin­tage crock­ery, glass domes for the wide vari­ety of wild flow­ers, we really achieved a play with depth and height down the cen­tre of the table. With so much gor­geous­ness on the table it really made for a multi dimen­sional, Alice in Won­der­land tablescape which show­cased the theme perfectly.

Wed­ding sup­plier credits

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