Lifestyle Magazine

Quickie Post: The Inbetweeners.

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

I went out on Saturday night to celebrate a friend’s 26th birthday.  I didn’t join her for dinner, but rather decided to join the party at 9 pm for drinks only.  I was home by 11:30pm while they continued onto clubbing all night.

I woke up the next day unable to function.  I was exhausted and was having hangover-like symptoms even though all I drank was a 6 oz glass of Pinot Noir ( from California for you wine snobs).

It made me announce to the world that “I’m too old for this sh*t!”.

After my announcement on facebook, I started thinking about my age.  I don’t know, perhaps it was the dreary eyed, blurry headed state of mind I was in, but then I realized I had not said something like that in a long long time.

Instead, I’ve been busy thinking about how most of my friends are on their second children (at least) at this point.  Or they are dating and partying….and I’m…well…I’m in-between!

I’m not single (although due to circumstances my husband and I presently reside in two different countries), yet I’m not a Mommy.  I’m the in-between, the lost ones that everyone tries to ignore.  The ones that will be home by midnight and be exhausted the next day, yet not the ones who have to run after the little kiddies every day and every night without any holiday.

I have to admit this is a weird and slightly lonely place to be in in my life.  That’s because all the other “in-betweens” are at home with their spouse sitting thinking “where did all my friends go?” in the same manner as I am!

Society and social interactions in the city just generally do not cater to the in-between stage – it seems to be a black and white type of categorization….party girl or Mommy….and too bad if you’re in between – just watch re-runs of Friends and compare them to How I Met Your Mother at home and stay quiet until you happen to get pregnant or decide to go out partying again.  Grey is not allowed in society.

It sucks!

Are you an in-between?  What do you do to meet other in-betweens?

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