Lifestyle Magazine

Quickie Post: Chicken Sashimi?!

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

I was watching “Iron Chef America” today and they used this type of chicken called “Blue Footed chicken”.

It was aptly named because the feet of the chicken were indeed an intriguing shade of blue.

Even more intriguing, is that blue footed chicken is used to make chicken sashimi and chicken tartare.

That’s right.  Blue footed chicken is often eaten raw (even though it is apparently yummy eaten cooked as well).

Quickie Post: Chicken Sashimi?!

Blue Footed Chickens photo from "Around the Corner"

Before you freak out and die, I know what you’re thinking.  One word right?  SALMONELLA.

Apparently, because of the way the blue footed chickens are shaped (I think that’s what they said on the show), the blue footed chicken is salmonella free.

According to Wikipedia, these “posh poultry” are of Canadian origin (originally bred to imitate a French breed of chickens) and is now bred and marketed from California.

So yep, yet another Canadian invention that people think is American *lol*

Oh!  And if you haven’t found my “hidden” reading material on blue footed chickens in this post (and no, I was not compensated for this post), here’s one more – from the New York Restaurants Magazine website that also talks about Blue Footed chicken.

I don’t know…I still think that I may avoid this – I am not sure I’m brave enough.  The whole chicken/salmonella thing keeps popping into my mind.   Under duress I may try one piece….but I would probably not order chicken sashimi or chicken tartare as a meal.

What would you do?  Would you try it?  Would you order it as a meal in itself?


Quickie Post: Chicken Sashimi?!

Chicken Sashimi. Photo from The Musings & Ramblings of Geoff MacKay


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