Hair & Beauty Magazine

Questions To Ask Before Getting Breast Revision Surgery

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Breast implant revision surgery may involve the removal or replacement of saline or silicone implants in the chest area. Patients may need or want breast implant revisions for several reasons, which dwell in both cosmetic and medical aspects. However, it should be in your best interest to ask the right questions before undertaking this procedure.

Continue reading to know four questions you need to ask your plastic surgeon before a breast revision surgery.

1. What Are The Risks Involved In Replacing Or Removing Implants?

It's safe to say that all surgeries have a certain amount of risk involved, especially for breast revision operations. It's not an issue of which is better between implants replaced vs removed completely. It should always be an issue of safety, especially when it comes to the kind of anesthesia to be used.

Your doctor may decide to use general anesthesia for the procedure. Using general anesthetics may pose the highest risk out of all the pain-inhibiting solutions out there. It's because this option requires a highly-trained specialist in the industry to administer and monitor. Make sure to check your surgeon's certifications and credibility in this regard.

But, your plastic surgeon might use other sedation compounds, like IV and regional anesthesia. IV sedation tends to be a safe option, but this solution might not be an excellent option if you're getting your implants replaced or removed completely. This option is ideal for single-procedure surgeries, and getting your implants revised might require multiple operations.

However, if you're looking for the safest option to minimize the risks from the surgery, opt to use a local anesthetic. Unlike general anesthesia wherein the entire body of the patient becomes paralyzed, local anesthetics allow the patient to remain awake and alert.

2. Is the Plastic Surgeon Board Certified?

Your plastic surgeon should possess a board certification to perform breast revision operations. This shows that the medical professional achieved expertise in performing cosmetic and medical breast-related surgeries.

But, you might wonder, what does it mean for a plastic surgeon to have board certification?

Different certifying boards exist for plastic surgeons. For instance, the surgeon might have a board certification from the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS). Another document you may find sitting in the surgeon's clinic comes from the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

When you see these official certificates, these documents mean that the medical expert spent years in residency training to specialize in providing procedures in specific areas of the body. Thus, also ask your surgeon if they spent years in training to provide optimum breast revision surgery services. Otherwise, you might put yourself at a high risk of experiencing significant pain during and after the operation.

Questions To Ask Before Getting Breast Revision Surgery

3. What Are The Differences Between Breast Revision Operations And Other Breast Surgeries?

Breast revision procedures aren't your "magic pills" to a better chest area. Surgeons need to tailor the operation to each patient's needs and preferred goals.

The surgeon performing the breast revision procedure needs to navigate through complicated factors to increase the chances of a successful outcome. This expert uses advanced techniques while paying close attention to factors, like scar tissue and changes to skin composition, to avoid adverse effects. Therefore, a highly-experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon should be your medical expert of choice for your breast revision surgery.

Conversely, other breast surgeries may not require the surgeon to undertake significant training as compared to medical professionals focusing on breast revision operations. For example, a surgeon may make a minimal incision on the breast of the patient who needs a slight change in their implants. This operation might not require special training or specialized equipment to complete the job successfully.

4. How To Prepare For Breast Revision Surgery?

After consulting with your doctor about the upcoming breast revision procedure, it's best to ask for the steps you need to follow to prepare for the operation.

The surgeon may advise you to follow a strict diet and rest program. Also, your doctor might prohibit you from doing high-intensity exercises or consuming specific medications or supplements.

Furthermore, you need to take medical evaluations, along with lab and diagnostic tests, to ensure you're at peak health before the surgery. Then, make sure to prepare for the post-surgery experience, like arranging a ride to drive you home in case you might find it challenging to move correctly after the operation.


It's crucial to prepare for your upcoming breast revision surgery by asking the right questions to your doctor. Make sure you don't forget to inquire about your surgeon's medical background and the type of anesthesia to be used in the operation. Reduce the risks of complications by asking these questions; otherwise, you're putting yourself at risk of experiencing unwanted adverse effects.

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