Hair & Beauty Magazine

Push The Button - eBay Pump Bottles

By Georginacallen @georginacallen

Push The Button - eBay Pump Bottles 2x 150ml push pump bottles £1.69 eBay
When I read Lily's post (etc llymlrs) on eBay mini push pump bottles I immediately clicked and purchased. I narrowly avoided buying the Bioderma pump bottle and I'm quite glad I avoided this as these are so much cuter and cheaper. I've put my cleanser in one and my nail varnish remover in one. I can't wait to make labels for them with my label maker as they sit so neatly on my dresser. These aren't necessary but they are so handy it's fun to have them lined up on my dresser and they are so accessible and handy when your ever so sleepy in the evenings or morning.  Push The Button - eBay Pump Bottles

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