Hair & Beauty Magazine

Product Review | CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat (on Weak Nails)

By Becca @glowgetterbecca
Product Review | CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat (on Weak Nails)
Disclaimer: This review is coming from someone with the flimsiest nails you'll ever see. They look normal, they grow normally, they never break, but they are weirdly flexible. I don't know why - I don't think I have any dietary deficiencies... But as a result, I can never EVER seem to keep polish on my nails for more than a few hours before at least one nail chips. 

I've tried many, MANY top coats, which promise to prolong my manicures, but alas, none have worked. So I was really excited when I came across the CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat. If top coats couldn't help me, maybe a base coat designed to anchor polish to my nails would solve the problem!

Like other base coats, CND Stickey also prevents polishes from staining your nails, and it doesn't contain any of the typical nail polish nasties either: no Formaldehyde, Toluene, or Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP), which makes it safe to use regularly. 

The CND base coat went on easily, dried very quickly and left a slightly tacky, sticky feeling on my nails. So far so good. Two coats of Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri in Cinna Snap, topped off with Seche Vite's Fast Drying Top Coat and I was ready to test it out.

Well, two chipped index fingers after just one day, prove that I haven't yet found the holy grail of manicures (for me at least). I had such high hopes for this product, but it seems my problem hasn't been solved. I don't want to slam CND Stickey, because I'm beginning to think that without strengthening my own nails first, I won't ever be able to keep polish on for long. So I'm heading back to the drawing board on this one. If you know any strengthening products for weak, bendy nails please let me know!

For more reviews of CND Stickey Base Coat, head over to  Cult Beauty or Amazon.


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