Lifestyle Magazine

Princess Shenanigans:Shopping Sh*t Show

By Sassysweetstyle @ChaniaB

O*M*G! I feel SO hungover from the last 2 days & I haven’t had a drop of alcohol.  K (my daughter) & M(my niece) are 6 weeks apart.  It’s a 50/50 gamble when they get together. They either play together nicely & have a blast, or they’re fighting like cats & dogs in a turf war.  Friday night M stayed over. They played really well together until it was bedtime.  K DID NOT want M sleeping in her bed, so I had to lay in between them. Poor M’s feelings looked so hurt.  Once K fell asleep, I left & thought I was all set for the night. WRONG! She woke up 3 times screaming & crying RED FACED b/c M was sleeping in HER bed. Aiyayai! So here I was at 3 am with a 2 year old in the bed with me & a husband snoring like a jet plane (he was exhausted from racing yard sale purchased wheelchairs with my BIL & the neighbor across the street ). At 8 am, M woke me up with a hug & a our conversation went like this:

M: (in a whisper) “I want pancakes.”

Me: “How about French Toast?”

M: “I want ice cream.”

Me: “No.” She forgets I have a con artist that lives with me


At this point, the hubs went yard sale-ing & I was in full twin mode (I don’t know how parents of multiples do it! You are ROCK STARS!). It took me 45 minutes to eat half of a yogurt in between changing diapers, getting breakfasts, breaking up toy fights & changing a DVD 3 different times.  Somehow I managed to vacuum the hardwoods.

Since we don’t have to worry about any cold weather until probably October, it’s time to start stocking up on warm weather play clothes & bathing suits.  I had $50 in Gymbucks to use, so my sister & I  had the BRILLIANT idea to take the girls to the Tanger Outlets.

Princess Shenanigans:Shopping Sh*t Show

They whined & carried on halfway there until they both passed out.  I went to the customer service area  by myself b/c I had a coupon for a coupon book & a $10 gift card( I ended up getting a VIP membership too…I scored a HUGE coupon book, another $10 gift card & a drawstring backpack with free stroller rentals!).  I headed back to the car for diaper changes & we were ready! It all started in the first place we went to, T.J. Maxx.  They were angels at first, riding in their strollers & checking out the merchandise & then WHAM full on double terrors! “That’s mine!” “She’s touching my stroller!” “I want to walk!”  “I want to push!” Aiyayai! I took K to the kid’s section to look for bathing suits & some jackass left a 3T Disney Princess Nightgown hanging where she could see it.  It was $6 so I was like ok fine, you can never have too many PJs.  She threw herself on the floor & threw a full on FIT to wear it.  We were shopping for a reason & we couldn’t just leave since we had driven 45 minutes to get there, so I threw the PJs on top of her dress tag & all (Judge me all you want, I was desperate at this point).  I’m just thrilled it didn’t have a security tag on it & I could just rip the price tag off to pay for it.

Old Navy was even worse. K decided she was anti Mommy & wanted to run from me in the store, while simultaneously sweeping their floor for them with her clothes.  There was a man with probably a 7 year old witnessing the whole thing & he just laughed & said “You gotta love them!” I swear I’m getting my Karma paid in full with interest for all of the times I judged other people’s children when I was childless.  The cashiers saved our sanity for about 10 minutes when they gave the girls balloons at checkout.  Balloons on sticks are HORRIBLE ideas! They fall off & you have to chase the balloons fyi.

We made it to Gymboree, the sole purpose for our trip. They had the genius idea of leaving their door propped open. Guess who I had to chase running out of the store & almost into the street? Yep, my little hellion! I wanted to scream, cry & throw a fit myself! Is this trip over yet?!? We finally got our $100 worth of  goodies for $50 that we were splitting & headed out.

The kids were finally calm for a few minutes, so my sister went to Maurice’s for shorts.  K found the window display & tried to climb it & this Mama was DONE!  I went to the car, changed her, put the bags inside & took the stroller back.  At this point EVERYONE was DONE so we headed home.  This is how I felt

Princess Shenanigans:Shopping Sh*t Show
Princess Shenanigans:Shopping Sh*t Show
Princess Shenanigans:Shopping Sh*t Show
What’s even worse, I didn’t even know what I had bought or why my totals were what they were until I got home. I scored some awesome deals thank goodness! Even in my stressed induced haze, I did really well! A gorgeous seersucker outfit at Gymboree for $4 & Coach jelly shoes for $20?! Yeah buddy!

What was the worst shopping experience you’ve had with your kids/witnessed?

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