Family Magazine

Preparing For An Office Move

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

Have you got an office? Are you happy with your office? Does it have everything you need to conduct your business, with the printer never chewing up the rap sheets you desperately need and the lights never flickering because the electricity is wired up properly? We all have bad days at work, but if you’re having more bad than good, you probably need a change of scenery.

No matter the kind of business you’re running, you’re going to need a base of operations to run it from. And if the office you’re using now isn’t suitable, make sure you’re doing everything you can to find somewhere better; it’s always a worthy investment if it means you’re going to be a better boss on the other side. But to make such an undertaking easier, let’s examine a couple of the essential things you’re going to need to do to prepare for an office move.


The thought of lugging the copy machine all the way up to the top floor is enough to make anyone tremble! 

Pack Conveniently

Packing is going to be the main stressor about your office move, as you’re still going to need to run your business effectively during this period. Of course you can stipulate to all customers and those visiting your website that you’re out of commission right now, which would be a smart idea, but a lot of small businesses can’t afford this option.

Before you feel like you need to look into crane hire to get all of your equipment moved, make sure you’re packing it up properly. Even get a professional mover on your side if need be, as they’re going to know all the right packing materials and where you should store the most expensive of technology until you can get it set out in your new office.

First of all, create a plan of your new office. Once you’ve done that, you can clearly outline the areas that need to be moved in first, and make them a priority to get boxed up. Label the boxes by area and make sure you only put the equipment labelled in those boxes; don’t get lazy!

Use Your Staff Properly

Make sure your staff know about the move that’s planned at least a month before it happens, and have them pitch in a lot more effectively as a result. Make sure they pack up their own desks at least, meaning you won’t have to worry about any personal possessions getting lost during the move, or for the wrong computer to be put on the wrong desk when you get there.

Have at least one member of staff manning the important files and customer details, and make sure these are transported to the new space as soon as you’re ready to start work there.

Preparing for an office move is going to make you sweat, but if you oversee all the operations, you really have nothing to worry about. Use your resources properly as you go!

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