Community Magazine

Popular Headstone Sayings

By Yourtribute @yourtribute

Headstone SayingsThere are many popular headstone sayings that can be engraved on a monument to commemorate and honor a loved one. Most sayings come from famous quotes or lines, while others are personalized for the dearly departed. These sayings are often declarations of love, or of hope, or even of thankfulness and gratitude towards the deceased. There are also those that state the final messages of the loved ones or for those who have had the chance, the final message of the deceased before he or she departed from this world. Generally, these sayings are a way of showing love for the departed, with the hopes that those who read the sayings will know how much he or she is loved.

The task of deciding which headstone sayings should be put on the tombstone lies often on the shoulders of the departed person’s family. Oftentimes, it is the wife or husband or lifelong partner who offer the words to be written. Sometimes, if these persons are no longer available, the parents, or the children, or even special friends who knew and loved the departed the most provide the quotes. In fact, the most common inscriptions on gravestones show the type of relations the departed had. Headstones often have the words “A loving husband, father, and son”, or “a loving mother, daughter, and sister”.

The following are the most popular headstone sayings used on headstones and other monuments. One of these sayings is often included own its own, or combined with a personal message.

Popular Headstone Sayings

Rest in peace
In memory of
In memoriam
In celebration of
In remembrance of
In god’s care
May God be with you and comfort you.
Devoted in love
Forever in our hearts
Gone but not forgotten
Gone from home but not from our hearts
Faithful forever
An inspiration to all
A friend in deed
A loving husband/wife
An unforgettable person
Absent from the body, present with the Lord
Constant of faith, generous by heart
Everybody’s best fried
Life is not forever, love is
Love is eternal
Together forever
The best is yet to come
Until we meet again
We will be together again


Headstone sayings that are found on the tombstone of most women will show how much she has given for the family. How she was as a mother or a wife, or how she has taken care of the family that depended on her. For men, sayings often include words of wisdom or quotes that show strength and steadfastness. There are also special sayings that are made especially for children or those who departed this world early on. These sayings would be full of hope and innocence, and a message stating the family’s faith in what has happened.

Popular headstone sayings also include those that come from famous personalities such as philosophers or even presidents, and quotes from famous authors and their works. There are endless possibilities of what words can be inscribed on a headstone. Whatever saying you select will create a permanent memorial in honor of your loved one who passed away.

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