Hair & Beauty Magazine

Pop Beauty Nail Glam in Pinkest

By Bbeautylove @bbeautylove

I haven’t done a nail post for a while and I adore this color so I had to show it to you.

I got this shade last Summer, when bright pinks are more seasonal and it has been put away and forgotten about since the weather turned colder. But, I love a good contradiction and you can’t get more contradictory that super bright neon pink in Winter!

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The Pop Beauty Nail Glams come in an amazing range of colours and glitters but this one caught my eye as it is hard to get a truly neon pink shade without heading to China Glaze, which is a little tricky to get in the UK. The shade Pinkest is a bold, bright neon fuchsia pink which is just gorgeous. It also looks amazing with a tan (good job a faked it a little then!). 

I have spoken before about how much I love Pop Beauty packaging and this doesn’t disappoint. It is unique  and I commend them for doing something different with nail polish bottle design. 

The product inside is pretty special too. It has a great brush which packs on the polish and it glides over the nail so quickly and easily. It dries pretty fast too and it dries to a waxy, vinyl texture. It doesn’t dry matte but it isn’t super glossy. That’s where a good top coat comes in. The photos of mine really don’t do it justice. 

To get a true opaque colour, two coats is a must and it lasts really well on the nails. Up to 5 days if your good, maybe of 3 if you aren’t.

But I adore it. The shade is a great pick me up and as we know, neons are always big come the warmer months so get in there now.

Available from Pop Beauty online, ASOS and Ulta in the US. Priced £6.50 ($10).

If you have tried any Pop Beauty nail polish tell me what you thought and what colours you recommend in the comments.

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