Hair & Beauty Magazine

Polka-dotted Flying Dragon

By Pinkandpolished
Oh. My. GOSH!

Well that was a long.... wait how long was it? Three weeks?! I can't believe I've been away from you guys for that long!!! I feel terrible :( But my nails were complete crap and then I got busy because I went on vacation to Florida for a week. I just got back yesterday so that's why I haven't posted. I had a few posts built up but I didn't have a chance to schedule them before I left. Bah I am the definition of a bad blogger!!So how about me and you just kinda.... forget this happened huh? ;) LOLThings should finally be going back to normal around here so let's kick it off with some pretty purple nails!This look is pretty simple and quick to do. I started with a base of China Glaze Flying Dragon. When that dried I stamped over it using Bundle Monster BM-412 and an unnamed white stamping polish I found at Claire's. I finished it off with some Poshe for a nice shine. 

Polka-dotted Flying Dragon
Polka-dotted Flying Dragon
Polka-dotted Flying Dragon
Even though these were real simple I fell in love with them! My nails were still pretty short here but I feel like then pattern made them look longer. Did you ever notice how some designs can do that? Crazy stuff man ;) I apologize again for disappearing for so long hopefully that doesn't happen again! You guys are the reason I love to blog so I hate disappointing you! Thanks again so much loves :) Polka-dotted Flying Dragon

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