Food & Drink Magazine

Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review
This gorgeous box of Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush was sent to me by Oyatsu Cafe. The packaging is absolutely stunning with the emerald green color and ribbon image on the front. The Pocky themselves are described as "high quality milk chocolate mixed with green tea cookies". It's such an intriguing flavor and one that sounds absolutely delicious.
Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review
One of the things I love about this Pocky is that inside the unique hexagonal box there are SIX individual bags, with four Pocky sticks in each. So you can open the box without worrying about the Pocky going stale. These Pocky are far too special to waste any!
Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review
Four Pocky might not seem like enough for one portion, but these Pocky are richer and more substantial than other sticks I've tried. They also have a fantastically knobbly appearance!
Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review
The thick outer chocolate is completely studded with lots of crunchy green tea cookie pieces. I haven't tried green tea cookies before but funnily enough I found a packet in a local Asian grocery shop, so I'll be reviewing those soon too. If you want to give some a try there are also some super cute chocolate chip matcha cookies available at Oyatsu Cafe here.
Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush Review
The inner biscuit is crunchy and delicious and the perfect base for the thick chocolate coating. The milk chocolate is creamy and sweet but with a rich cocoa flavor. The green tea cookie pieces have a very subtle flavour, they taste like a delicious biscuit but without being excessively sweet. The generous amount of cookie pieces means these Pocky are extra crunchy and fabulous. I absolutely loved everything about these from the packaging to the flavours, and they're an absolute must for any Pocky fan. A resounding full marks from me!
Don't forget there is 15% off your order at Oyatsu Cafe if you use the discount code:  "GROCERYGEMS" This is available for all orders internationally and with no limits. See HERE for more details. 
The Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush were very kindly sent to me by Oyatsu Cafe for review but all views are my own. I don't receive any compensation if you order from Oyatsu Cafe or use the above code.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Pocky Green Tea Chocolate Crush 
RATING: 10 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Excellent value for such a unique snack.

Purchased: Available from Oyatsu Cafe. They also have a Pocky Almond Crush. 

Price: $4.99 (approx. £3.28).

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