Debate Magazine

Please Pray for Dave

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Four days ago, on Dec. 30, 2013, I had asked for prayers from FOTM’s community of prayer warriors for our beloved Dave.

This is an update and a renewed request that you pray even harder for him.

On Dec. 29, Dave’s brother took him to the hospital because Dave was alarmingly weak.

Tests found that Dave was severely anemic; when he was admitted to the hospital, he had only a third of the amount of blood that he should have. Since then, Dave’s had transfusions of six pints of blood.

He also had a lot of fluid in his mid-section. When the fluids were drained, it was discovered that he had had more than 10 lbs. of excess fluid, which can be attributed to Dave’s diseased liver. That condition was discovered the last time he was hospitalized, just before Thanksgiving.

A number of tests have been done, the latest being a colonoscopy, but the doctors still don’t know what led to his massive loss of blood. 

In the meanwhile, Dave caught a cold.

He desperately wants to go home, but not until his doctors find out the cause of his severe anemia.

So I’m asking you all to pray even harder for Dave.

Thank you, and may God bless you and your loved ones in these trying times,


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