Family Magazine

Play Doh Kitchen Creations from Hasbro

By Evette Garside @evette77

If there is one type of toy that Izebella especially loves to play with then it's probably Play doh. This stuff needs zero explanaton, it's been around for years and years and will be here to stay for many more. It's the stuff that kids love but parents fear, parts stuck or trampled into expensive carpets and that ever so familiar smell - it's Play doh.

Hasbro have launched some new play doh sets known as kitchen creations.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro
Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

Kitchen creations give all the fun of cooking for young children but without the mess. We have two sets - The magical oven and a Sizzlin stovetop.

Both sets need batteries as they both make cooking sounds and the oven lights up.

The contents of the sets are similar, both containing several pots of coloured play doh and various play utensils and plates.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

Once everything is unpacked and batteries are in, it's time to start making and creating. There are no real rules when it comes to play doh but my girls had no problems in realising that it's a kitchen set and play doh food was the main objective here.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

The magic oven works via a magic lever which lifts the plate of food up towards the light to cook it. It also makes a ding sound when done. It opens and closes and has a fake time display so it does resemble the real thing in a way.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

The sizzlin stovetop does not light up but makes a sizzling sound as if the food was cooking in pans.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

Both of these products work really well together and especially so with siblings together as there are lots of items in each one.

I did make the unfortunate mistake of allowing my giddy 4 year old to open and begin to play with the play doh on my living room carpet, oops! It was quickly moved onto a large splash mat in another room.

Play Doh kitchen creations from Hasbro

Yes play doh does get stuck in carpets and especially so deep carpets. It is best played with on an easy clean surface, Lino or wooden floor, table or on a good washable floor covering. As long as parents protect their carpets then this stuff really is not anything to dread or be wary of. It does come out of the carpet with a bit of cleaning and is a safe fun product that most kids love.

Both of these play doh sets are sold at many supermarkets and toy stores including Amazon and The Entertainer. Each set costing between £20-£25 each.

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