Family Magazine

Pink Butter (aka Raspberry Honey Butter)

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

There was a deal at our local Coop last week … Fresh organic red raspberries for $2.49/6 oz.


Raspberries are so delicious in their tarty-sweetness… the ultimate in refreshing goodness.


And to make them even more of a powerhouse of awesomeness, raspberries are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  And new studies are suggesting they can increase metabolism and decrease activity of certain fat-digesting enzymes.  WHAT?!?!

Did I say “Woohoo!!”

So when there’s a sale on organic raspberries for $2.49/6 oz. at the Co-op (which often sell for upwards of $4.99/ea.), I am not shy to tell you that I rushed out and bought way too many 6 oz containers.

But the problem with buying so many raspberries is that they are crazy perishable.

Fresh ripe raspberries only last a day or two in the fridge.  NOTE:  it’s best to store them unwashed in the fridge.  I don’t know the scientific reason washing them makes them mold faster, I just know from experience that it does.

But if you’re not going to use them in the next day or two, it’s a good investment to freeze them.  Because there’s very little in the fridge more depressing than opening a container of fuzzy grey raspberries.

And if you’re going to freeze them, wash them first.


Raspberries are not like apples or strawberries or grapes, etc … you do NOT want to soak them in water plus raw apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes … they are way more delicate than that … they will get mushy and unusable.  I put water and a teaspoon of ACV in a small bowl, carefully drop the raspberries into the bowl and then quickly and gently pour them into a strainer.  Rinsing them delicately with the spray attachment on our faucet.  It’s a safe and effective way to wash off any residue.

So with all these raspberries on hand, I have been looking for ways to incorporate them into every part of our day for as long as we have them.

  • for breakfast or as snack on their own or with bananas or with yogurt
  • in honey lemonade
  • to flavor kombucha
  • macerated with a tablespoon of maple syrup served over ice cream
  • and my favorite way … whipped into butter with a bit of raw honey

Our daughter calls it “pink butter.”

Raspberry honey butter.

pink butter

And she begs for pink snack (sourdough toast with raspberry honey butter, raspberry lemonade and a piece of cheese).

Me?  I love it on sourdough french toast or pancakes.


  • 1/3 cup fresh raspberries
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 8 oz butter


Let the butter soften.  Add all three ingredients to a quart-size mason jar with tall sides and use the whisk attachment on an immersion blender to whip them into fluffy pink goodness.  Store in the fridge.


- Jeanne

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