
Picasso App Not Working – Reasons And How To Fix This Error

Posted on the 10 June 2023 by Bloggingcapital

So your Picasso App Not Working? In this DETAILED article, we will try to fix this issue. Most of the online articles just SCRATCH THE SURFACE and do not provide any solution.

Picasso is an online streaming platform i.e. application that provides you access to watch your favorite TV shows, movies, etc, and other content online.

The app in recent times is not working properly. It has slowed down considerably and hanging while streaming. You might want to fix this issue. Right…?

In this article, you will learn how to solve this issue COMPLETELY & FOREVER.

Table of Contents

  • What is Picasso App?
  • Why Picasso App Is Not Working?
  • Top 5 Reasons For Picasso App Not Working
    • 1. App Crashed
    • 2. Poor Internet Connection
    • 3. Low Internet Data
    • 4. Server Side Issues
  • Troubleshooting Picasso App: Fixing Common Problems In The App
  • FAQ’s Regarding Picasso App Not Working
    • Why is the Picasso app not working on my device?
    • I can’t open the Picasso app. What could be the possible reasons?
    • What should I do if the Picasso app freezes or crashes frequently?
    • Why is the Picasso app not saving my edited images?
    • How can I fix the issue of the Picasso app not responding or loading slowly?
  • Final Thoughts

What is Picasso App?

So what is the Picasso app? It is one of the most popular streaming apps in India which provides free access to the latest shows, movies, and other video content online.

Million of people use this app for streaming free content as it saves device space and users can access their favorite shows at any time without any problem

All this you can do without any subscription i.e. FOR COMPLETELY FREE, which is the exact reason the app is in high demand and continuously lagging while streaming.

Why Picasso App Is Not Working?

Your Picasso app might not be working because of many reasons. Some of these reasons are listed down below.

  • Extreme Traffic: The app is free and sometimes a newly added show or movie is in extremely high demand. This may be the reason the app streaming is lagging as the resource is high in demand and use. No fix from your side can be done for this as it is a server-side issue and only fixable from the developer’s end.
  • Older App Version: This is one of the most common reasons that can affect the working of the app. If you are using an older version, the app simply won’t work properly. The developers keep updating the app for better performance, and due to older versions might not be stable. The fix to this issue is you simply update your Picasso app from genuine sources by keeping in your privacy in mind.
  • Server Under Maintenance: Sometimes due to upcoming updates the servers are under maintenance, which might be the reason the app might not work. Usually, app developers notify about such issues. No solution from the client’s perspective. Look for official sources for updates regarding this.

If these are not the issues regarding your problem, here are the final few solutions that will 100% FIX THIS PROBLEM for you.

Top 5 Reasons For Picasso App Not Working

Here are the 5 most common causes of the Picasso app not working and possible solutions to fix them.

1. App Crashed

This might be the main cause as the app might have crashed. What happens is that when you are watching your favorite shows the app shuts down unexpectedly and you have to restart the show.


  1. Outdated App Version
  2. Low Phone Memory: Your phone memory might be low which is usually causing the app crash issue. Try to make some space in your mobile phone to let the app work properly.

2. Poor Internet Connection

One of the most obvious reasons is an internet connection. Try to check your internet connection using an online platform like the Ookla speed test.

If your internet connection is poor, try to fix it from your end as streaming online videos requires a lot of internet data.

3. Low Internet Data

This happens to me also. I sometimes run out of data on my mobile but never check the issue on my end. Check if you still have sufficient internet connection data from your provider.

4. Server Side Issues

If the app has server-side issues you simply cannot do anything except wait for developers to fix the issue.

Troubleshooting Picasso App: Fixing Common Problems In The App

Here are some of the fixes that can be applied from the client’s side. They work most of the time.

  • Clear The Cache: A wise man once said,” Do You Clear The Cache “. I have seen many problems getting fixed with this. The cache is a powerful tool but when it conflicts it causes a lot of problems. Try to clear your cache from App Data>All Data>Clear
  • Update Old Picasso App: Updating your older version to the latest one might also fix this issue immediately. New versions also come up with better features and support.
  • Use Alternatives: There are a lot of alternatives to the Picasso app like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HOOQ, Hulu, IFlix, TFC, and a lot more.

FAQ’s Regarding Picasso App Not Working

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about picasso app.

Why is the Picasso app not working on my device?

There could be several reasons why the Picasso app is not working on your device. It could be due to compatibility issues, outdated software, insufficient storage space, or a temporary glitch in the app. Make sure your device meets the app’s requirements and try restarting your device or reinstalling the app to see if it resolves the issue.

I can’t open the Picasso app. What could be the possible reasons?

If you are unable to open the Picasso app, there are a few possible reasons. It could be due to a problem with the app itself, a software conflict with other apps on your device, or a corrupted installation. Try closing all other apps, restarting your device, and checking if there are any available updates for the app. If the issue persists, reinstalling the app might help.

What should I do if the Picasso app freezes or crashes frequently?

Frequent freezing or crashing of the Picasso app can be frustrating. To address this issue, first, make sure you have the latest version of the app installed. If the problem persists, try clearing the app cache and data from your device settings. If that doesn’t work, restart your device and ensure you have enough available storage space. If the app continues to freeze or crash, consider contacting the app’s support team for further assistance.

Why is the Picasso app not saving my edited images?

If the Picasso app is not saving your edited images, there could be a few potential causes. First, ensure that you have granted the app permission to access your device’s storage. Additionally, check if you have enough storage space available on your device. If you’re experiencing this issue with a specific image, it’s possible that the file format or size is not supported by the app. Try saving the image in a different format or resizing it before editing.

How can I fix the issue of the Picasso app not responding or loading slowly?

If the Picasso app is not responding or loading slowly, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue. Firstly, check your internet connection to ensure it is stable. Slow loading could be due to a weak or unstable connection. If you’re using mobile data, try switching to a Wi-Fi network. Additionally, close any other apps running in the background that might be using up system resources. If the problem persists, try restarting your device or reinstalling the app to see if it improves performance.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the methods you can use to fix the Picasso App Not Working issue.

Let me know if any of these solutions worked or not. I would love to hear your feedback.

If not I will try my best to provide a solution 👇

Disclaimer: We are not an official provider of the Picasso app. We just wanted to show you how to fix the issue you face with the Picasso app. Contact Us for any conflict of interest.

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