Shopping Magazine


Posted on the 23 December 2013 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes


While irreplaceable batteries and sparse availability of spare parts are the standards in the smartphone world, the idea of LEGO-like modular device in which virtually any part is available for replacement sounds really awesome. Devised by a Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, the Phonebloks smartphone concept gleaned a lot of attention for its unusual modularity. Every Phonebloks owner would create their very own personalized smartphone by attaching to a main board any chosen third-party compontents dubbed “bloks” available via a separate store, a sort of “an app store for hardware.” Hence, when new features arrive or “bloks” being in use break down, you don’t dump your entire device in the trash as you normally would, but purchase and replace some of its parts. Partnering up with Motorola, Phonebloks edge closer to coming into a real product some time in the future.

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