Food & Drink Magazine

Pantry Basic – Taco Sauce

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

Jeanne here.

Abby’s usually the one to share her Mexican recipes ‘cuz she love love loves her Mexican food.

But since she’s traveling today, I figured I’d share one of my own.

Because it’s been a while since I made enchiladas.

I mean like … a really long time.

And it’s not because I don’t love enchiladas.

Because I do … bean, beef, cheese, chicken, roasted veggies … tortillas stuffed with deliciousness, smothered in sauce and cheese … I just love ‘em.

But I haven’t used canned tomato sauce in FOREVER (mostly because tomatoes are notoriously acidic and will leach BPAs from the lining of the cans and tops of bottles … yes, there are even BPAs in some/most bottled tomato sauces, and I don’t want to add endocrine disrupters to our dinner).

Then, last week, I had a revelation:


(That’s how loud the voice was in my head … )

So I took that way-too-easyiheirloom tomato sauce that I have and use so often and made a few adjustments … like I added onion.  And I didn’t use basil.  I added the taco seasoning I have in the cupboard.


taco sauce


  • 1/2 medium onion (chopped)
  • 4 cups of chopped tomatoes (I used Campari tomatoes this time, because that’s what I had)
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil (Grape seed oil has a higher smoke point than Olive Oil, but if you use olive oil, add a teaspoon of pasture butter and you’re good to go)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (I used Bragg’s raw ACV because of all the excellent health benefits in raw cider)
  • 1 tablespoon Taco Seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt


Sauté the onion in grape seed oil until onion is translucent.

Add tomatoes (seeds, skin and all), vinegar and taco seasoning to the  onions and simmer until tomatoes break down (about 5-7 minutes)

Season with salt (I used about a teaspoon, but this is really “to taste”).

At this point, transfer the contents of your sauté pan to the container of your blender and puree until smooth.

Makes about 4 cups of sauce.  Stores in the fridge for about a week.

We’ve now had enchiladas twice in one week (recipe to come)!

NOTE:  This is a pretty mild taco sauce.  If I were making this just for me and the Cowboy, I’d “spice it up” and add additional crushed red chili pepper or a little Tapatio or hot sauce.


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