Fashion Magazine

P + P Spring Closet Sale!

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

Spring Closet Sale

Hello there lovely readers!

You know when your closet gets so messy that you can’t even see the floor anymore?  Things piled so high, so utterly disorganized, that you give up and just forego cleanliness and keep piling things on in heaps?  No?  Is that just me?  Well, my closet had definitely gotten to that point, and this weekend I finally decided to do something about it with a little spring cleaning.  I must admit, I have a little bit of a hoarding tendency.  My husband is constantly getting on my case about throwing things away.

Zack:  I mean Gi, do you really need to keep every birthday card, soccer trophy, and note you passed in 8th grade?


When it comes to clothing, I am not much better.  I usually keep things around until they are unwearable. Clothes stick around in my closet waiting for a day when that trend will “come back in style.”  I have sorority T-shirts that I don’t even wear anymore, but I cannot bear to part with because of all the memories associated.  A dress that I didn’t wear all summer will sit there with the clear intent that I will wear it.  Then that summer goes and passes, and the dress is still hanging by its lonely self hoping for the following summer to grace the world with it’s presence once again.

That being said, it’s tough to hoard in a two bedroom apartment with a husband and a baby.  The things pile on and the clutter becomes absurd.  Gretchen says de-cluttering is one of the keys to happiness, and I certainly agree that lack of clutter has eased my stress in the past.

So there you have it.  On a quest to staying happy and relieving stress, I spent the weekend cleaning.  And here is my first little online closet sale to show for it.

Here’s the scoop:

1) I created a Pinterest board with all the items for sale.

2) If you want to buy an item, write “Sold” in the comments section along with your PayPal email.  If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can create one here.

3) Half of all proceeds will go to a Reader’s Choice charity.  After you write your intent to buy an item, please cast your vote for your charity of choice.  I will then randomly select a charity from the reader’s votes to make the donation.

4) Shipping is not included.  All items will be sent standard USPS.

5) All items are final sale.

Happy Shopping!



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