Lifestyle Magazine

Outfit | Orange and Black

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Outfit | Orange and BlackOutfit | Orange and BlackOutfit | Orange and Blackcardigan: hollister | play suit: primark | shoes: converse
Today has been a bit of a non eventful day. It's been overcast and thundery, but nothing too dismal. It's almost as if the weather has decided that today should be autumnal instead of the blistering June heat wave that we had yesterday. We walked Jasper down to visit Grandma and then stopped for a cup of tea and a bite to eat at a local cafe, The Red Roaster, which sells these amazing tomatoe and chritzo quiches. We then headed home just before it started to rain and I'm now happily watching tv as I type this and attempt to remove the remains of yesterday's hairspray from the ballet show rehearsal. 

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