Society Magazine

Oscar Isaac: from a Galaxy Far Far Way to an Immortal Villain on Earth

Posted on the 21 December 2015 by Beinglatinacom

OSCAR ISAAC: FROM A GALAXY FAR FAR WAY TO AN IMMORTAL VILLAIN ON EARTHGuatamalen actor Oscar Isaac who is known from the incredible cult hit film, Ex Machina; will soon once again be on the big screen playing a hero in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and a villain in X-Men: Apocalypse.

In Star Wars: The Force Awaken Oscar plays hero Poe Dameron a commander in the Resistance's Starfighter Corps and one of Leia Organa's most-trusted operatives. He is the son of a rebel fighter pilot and a rebel commando and as a decorated X-wing pilot, he has the skills to fly anything. Oscar Isaac event boasts that Poe is "the best pilot in the galaxy. End stop." . So it looks likes Han Solo, Wedge Antilles and the rest of the Star Wars flyboy contingent will be given a run for their titles when the latest and highly anticipated Star Wars film comes out in theaters on December 18, 2015.

In X-Men: Apocalypse, Oscar is portraying immortal mutant-villain Apocalypse who as a huge Xmen fan hate as his seemingly indestructible and daunting self is one mighty foe and has always been a big pain in the culo for the X-Men. Apocalypse is not playing games as always as he threatens to demolish our world in the upcoming film's trailer. "Everything they've built will fall," he says in the film that hits theaters in May 2016. "And from the ashes of their world, we'll build a better one."

I personally can't wait to see both of Star Force: The Force Awakens and X-Men: Apocalypse and am really happy but also a bit jealous of Oscar Isaac as he is definitely living out some of my sci-fi acting dreams (Couldn't you just picture me as Storm) as he has earned himself coveted roles in both films.


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