Creativity Magazine

on the Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich...

By Calicotales @calicotales
on the ultimate breakfast sandwich...
Remember the recent post on my The Ultimate French Toast with the secret ingredient well, I made the Ultimate Breakfast Sandwiches. Amazing! Using the same French Toast recipe I made some really kick butt breakfast sandwiches. I swear, best idea I've ever came up with. You've got to try this out for yourself. I always love a chance to be creative with things and of course this allows you to customize your perfect sandwich. We decided to combine bacon, egg and cheese. The combination of sweet and savory is delicious so if you're in the market for your next breakfast can thank me later!Well, I'm ready for a relaxing Saturday. Today will be full of checking things off my todo list, baking in my kitchen, creating a meal plan and spending precious moments with Sebastian. Hope you all are doing something you love today! xoxo.

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