Fashion Magazine

Omcz #2

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Hello and welcome to this months OMCZ challenge and the theme for this month is.....
The next theme has more of an open feeling to it. No specific items or patterns to showcase. Just show us what you'd wear to go shopping. 
This is inspired by the Shopping Trip to Birmingham organised by Nikki . Knowing what to wear on a shopping trip in the colder months can be a challenge. You want to be warm enough when you're outside but as soon as you go inside it's too hot. 
What do you wear? Maybe it's your PJ's for a midnight dash to the supermarket or maybe it's full on glam? or somewhere in between. 
Back in March I organised a blogger meet up in Birmingham which was a lovely and informal day filled with shopping, good food and fantastic company. (I didn't blog it due to being so ill around the time it took place!!). Whenever I go shopping I tend to dress for comfort and if I know I might be trying clothes on not too many layers!! 
I also hate overheating as most shops seem to have the heating on full blast so I am wary of dressing too warmly!! 
Anyway being the bad blogger that I am and due to work being so hectic I am cheating on this one and have collated some outfit photos to show what I like to wear when shopping!
I would say these are all typical shopping outfits for me, as you can see I love my trainers as I need my feet to be comfortable, and dresses are easy to get on and off when trying things on!! I must admit I am also that person who tries dresses on over my jeans!! 
Don't forget to check out the other lovely ladies to see what they like to wear when it comes to shopping.
Steph Brown www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.comLeah www.awheelbarrowfullofstyle.comGillian www.marysbigcloset.comHollie Http://www.prettybigbutterflies.comBecca 
Kaye OMCZ #2  

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