Lifestyle Magazine

Oh, Violetta, Where Are Thou?

By Saturnsatori
Oh, Violetta, Where Are Thou?
I’m not dead! Although I had a frightening experience involving some major turbulence during my flight from Germany to Mexico. In moments like that you suddenly realize the absurdity of the situation: there you are, flying on a giant tin can at supersonic speed, cruising over the ocean at 30,000 feet. And if something goes wrong... 
Human beings do the craziest but also the most incredibly awesome things. Twelve hours after getting on that plane I stepped on another continent. That thought never ceases to amaze me, I am so glad to have been fortunate enough to live in this day and age.
Anyway, I’ve been absent over the past weeks due to some academic obligations, combined with some frantic pre-holiday preparations for my very anticipated trip to my beautiful Mexico. Now I am here, at home, and it feels like a dream!
Stay tuned for some incoming updates.  Oh, Violetta, Where Are Thou? 
Oh, and I changed my hair. Time for transformation and making exciting new plans!  Thank you for reading,

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