Politics Magazine

Odds Ratio on the Downed Malaysian Flight

Posted on the 20 July 2014 by Calvinthedog

Right now, I would put the odds ratio at:

Ukie fascist intentionally (false flag) 90%

Novorussian accident 10%

Ukie fascist accident 0%

Novorussian intentional 0%

Russian accident 0%

Russian intentional 0%

I do not know about you, but the 90% one on top is the only one that is blinking at me like a gigantic Las Vegas sign.

Russian accident is the latest one that the pro-fascist Western media is pushing. This is because Babylon finally figured out what we have been saying for some time now – that the Novorussians do not have anyone capable of operating a Buk missile, even if they have a working one. Now the Babylon media, citing ultra-whore and fascist supporter Samantha Power, is saying that since the Novorussians could not operate the Buk, a Russian military operative must have been operating it.

This makes no sense whatsoever. First of all, there are no active duty Russian military soldiers working with the Novorussians. I have never heard evidence of even a one. Yes, the Russians are letting men and equipment go in. That is correct. But they are not sending in their own men.

In addition, it is not known if Russia is supplying the Novorussians. The Novorussians are massively outgunned. If the Russians were supplying them, would they leave the Novorussians so outgunned? However, the Novorussians have sure been turning up with some fancy military equipment these days. Russian volunteers acknowledge that military equipment is going to the rebels, but they say it is coming from private sources. They say this equipment is being purchased on the black market.

Second of all, even if there were active duty Russians operating the Buk, they would only be Buk experts. Most Russian Buk operators have trained for 10-12 years at least to operate that missile. No one knows how to operate these things better than a Russian Buk operator. They are consummate professionals, and they are the best. There is not one chance in Hell that a Russian Buk operator would fail to recognize a civilian jet flying in a straight line at 30,000 feet as an enemy fighter. That is simply not possible, ever.

By the same token, I do not agree that the Ukie fascists shot this thing down by accident for much the same reasons. The Ukie military has been falling apart badly for 20 years now. Every year it only gets worse. Nevertheless they do have Buk operators who know what they are doing. However, a Russian expert has said that the plane was probably downed by accident by an inexperienced Ukie crew.

Why would the Novorussians or the Russians shoot down a civilian jetliner on purpose?

For weeks now, we have been hearing continuous rumors from the Ukie fascist side of a huge false flag operation. A few days before the airliner was downed, a Ukie fascist military figure said the Ukie fascists had a big surprise for the rebels. It looks like this may have been it.

If this is a false flag, this would be the third major Ukie fascist false flag of this unrest. First and second Ukie fascist false flags here.

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