Politics Magazine

Nutcase of the Day

Posted on the 23 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

I ban at least one person every day on here. You all never have the pleasure of seeing these lowlifes because they are banned before they even make one post. These folks “come in the door swinging” so to speak. Well, what happens when someone at your house comes in the front door swinging their fists, so to speak. You boot them right back out the same door the crawled in through, right? Well, same principle here. First post, new blog, and they came barging through the front door of my site swinging their fists at me and screaming to High Heaven.

Bloggers need to make it a policy to ban these people. If people knew they could not come in the door swinging like this so to speak, comments sections would be filled with many fewer trolls. Main problem with the Net is not enough hostile commenters are banned. Um, this is my site. You are a hostile commenter. What in God’s name are you doing on my site, for Chrissakes?

I used to let them post once and then blast the Hell out of them, insult them, their extended family, their homeland, their genetic stock, their anti-culture, the whole nine yards, but I started getting a bad reputation for doing that, so I stopped. The high road’s usually the road to take, unless someone is trying to kill you, in which case, there is no high road. There’s the Homicidal Road and the Suicide Highway, and you best pick the first. There’s times in life you have to fight dirty, but it’s best to minimize them if only for your own dignity.

Here is a particularly bizarre lunatic. Germans have nothing to do with any other Indo-European people, especially those disgusting Slavs. Instead they are related to Finns, Hungarians, Turks, Mongolians, and Siberians. What-ever! Anglo-Saxons and Germanic people in general aren’t even White! Well, gosh, if a Swede isn’t even White, then let’s just can the whole concept and kill the whole damned White race, Ignatieff-style.

If even blond and blue doesn’t cut it anymore, let’s just hang it up an become just another shade of brown like rest of the unwashed masses. I’m anticipating the trend, being an early adopter. I’ve been a transnigger for about a year now. I recommend it, especially with Affirmative Action the way it is.

It’s just not worth it being White anymore, guys. Time to hang it up and call it a day. We had a good run there for 10,000 years or so, but we are in Brazil Uber Alles, and White is just passe. White’s just not hip anymore. Mongrelization is the order of the day. Take a hint, paleface. Drop the charade, and join the Rainbow Millennium. Monochromatic ain’t where it’s at, daddy-o. The phenotypical flavor of the day is Human Mystery Casserole.

But seriously, Germanics aren’t White? Swedes are really Mongolians? Oh Adolf, you big silly! You’re so cute when you’re mad!

We Krauts are actually Finns? No way! Finns? Forget it! They were Finnish before they even started! Bunch of losers!

Sparky seems to be a little upset. Guess it takes all kinds to fill the freeways.

You are a real lowlife dirtbag. Germans were, are, and will never be one of you Indo-Aryan queer freaks of nature. We are Uralic. We are the MASTER RACE!!! My ancestors conquered the true Indo-Aryan pathetic weakling bastards with amazing ease over 1,000 years ago. But it serves them right for being so racist, sexist and lazy! Those inferior, subhuman scums never knew what was coming for them!

Being pure Anglo-Saxon and 100% literate in German and Scandinavian languages, Germanic has NOTHING to do with Slavic bullshit. Germanic people are actually a group of Uralic-Altaic people with 0 genetic or cultural connections with you despicable, psychotic, Indo-European degenerate scum! Hah… We’re not even fucking “White”! Please…STOP with the corrupt, bizarre, phony bullshit you insane assholes keep concocting about my race. Go to hell!

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