Career Magazine

Not Ready to Start Your Wedding Planning Business? – Learn to Ace a Wedding Planner Job Interview

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

5 Tips to Ace a Wedding Planner Job Interview

If you’re dreaming of becoming a top wedding planner but have very little professional experience, you might want to consider getting a job as a planner for a large event planning company in your area.

A recent episode of the television show, “Job or No Job,” on the ABC Family network, featured a woman who was in this situation. She loved events and had been planning events for family and friends since she was a child but didn’t have professional experience. On the show, she was interviewed by three of the top event planning companies in Nashville and mentored by author and job guru, Jane Buckingham. All provided valuable insights on how to ace an interview for an entry-level wedding and event planner job.

Here are 5 tips they shared that will help you impress professional planners when you interview with them:

1) Know all about the company you are interviewing with

Do your research, review the company’s website, blog and social media sites. Know the types of products and services they offer and how you could be a good fit for their company.

2) Show enthusiasm during the interview

Enter your interview with high energy and let the interviewer know you’re excited about the position they have available.

3) Explain how your background and education are assets for a wedding and event planner

Even if you don’t have a background in events, you still could have transferable skills. Planners need to be highly organized, detail oriented, customer focused and able to manage budgets. Think about the jobs or courses you have had that may have helped you develop these skills.

4) Share your wedding and event planning experience

If you’ve done any planning at all, even if it was for family and friends, you have some relevant experience that you need to put on your resume. Be confident, don’t be afraid to tell people what you can do. You have to sell yourself!

5) Be prepared for anything but stay relaxed and be yourself

Many people within a company may interview you, they may ask you tough questions about planning events and even ask you to do some challenging roleplaying. Don’t panic! Remember wedding and event planners are expected to think on their feet. Stay calm so you can think clearly and be your best.

And if you want help to become a top wedding planner, sign in to get my ezine “Wedding Planner Tips.”

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