Fashion Magazine

None Shall Pass.

By Bloomer14 @Bloomsaturation
None Shall Pass.
None Shall Pass.{Pleated Skirt: JMR, Stripped Tank: BP Nordstrom, Faux Leather Jacket: H&M, Pointed Suede Heels: H&M}
I've been noticing a major shift in the way I view fashion and what naturally catches my eye these days. I'm drawn to layers, muted colors, lines, and materials. Not exactly the bright colors and splashes of pastel we're seeing everywhere. And the more accessories I can pile on, the better!I started my April Advanced Makeup Course this Tuesday and as always, I'm having lots of fun! Today we are going over color theory and how it applies to makeup. Always a fun day full of color. I'm planning on wearing a soft subtle makeup look with a soft mint green on my eyes and a bold orange on my lips like Morange from MAC. I'll make sure to take some photo's for you!Bee Tee Dubbya, its Friday the 13th today! I plan on wearing my skull shirt simply because I feel like I should rock something Halloweenish. Tomorrow is Nancy's funeral and the school I teach at has been kind enough to work around mine and my assistants schedule so we join attend. Its going to be so hard seeing everyone who knew her and loved her. I plan on being a positive aura in the room celebrating her beautiful life. I hope you all have an amazing weekend! xx

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