Current Magazine

NHS and the European Union: The Facts [Infographic]

Posted on the 29 June 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

The United Kingdom will vote on its membership of the European Union on Thursday 23rd June.

The National Health Service has always been used for point scoring across all sections of the political spectrum. Both Vote Leave and Remain have used the NHS  as part of their campaigning. One side would have you believe that Brexit is the only hope for a failing health service,  while the other predicts an end for the NHS if Britain were to vote to leave the EU.

With all manner of figures, predictions, estimations and downright lies being thrown around, there seems to be no rational assessment. Both sides have an agenda to push and have resorted to sensationalist claims. The cherry picking of facts and figures has been a constant theme of the NHS/Brexit debate.

It is for this reason that MEDIGO decided to produce this infographic, which aims to present the key facts about the relationship between the NHS and the European Union.


Source: Medigo

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