Hair & Beauty Magazine

New Years Resolutions

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
New Years ResolutionsHappy New Year everyone! I hope you all have fun this evening however you are celebrating. 
I am not usually one for making resolutions but I've proved to myself over the last few months that if I put my mind to something I can actually achieve a lot. So I thought I would write some resolutions down this year and see how I get on with them.
1. The first one obviously has to be to stick to my healthy eating and to exercise more. I have now lost 2.5 stone and I am completely over the moon. When I started I never thought I'd actually get this far and I am so proud of myself I have. Thank you to all of you who have given me support, it's a massive help to keep me going. 
2. 2014 is going to be the year I learn to drive. I actually took lessons and two test when I was 17, (Nearly 9 years ago now ekkk) but ended up giving up. I have decided it's time that I need to get back in a car and pass my test, even if I can't afford a car straight away it's done. 
3. I would like to try and read more as I never give myself enough time and get far too distracted by the internet. So I have decided that I will try and read for at least 15 minutes before bed every night, that way I'll switch the iPad off and wind down without the internet before hitting the hay. Hopefully this will help me drift off quickly too. 
4. Lastly I want to revamp my blog. I have neglected my little space on the internet a lot over the last couple of months and my passion for beauty isn't as strong as it used to be. (It still an obsession compared to the average person) as I have said before I want to include more lifestyle post including healthy eating, ootd, just general life updates and of course beauty. I have had lots of positive feedback about this change so I hope you will enjoy it. I still won't be posting everyday like I used to, I just don't have the time but I'm going to try and aim for 3 posts a week. 
So four resolutions to aim for and nothing too taxing. I am confident I will achieve them. (Fingers crossed)
Have you made resolutions this year? I would love to hear what they are. 

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