Books Magazine

New Website!

By Refreshing Reviews @refreshingr

It has been a long, long time. Originally this blog was a hobby over the summer, between the end of college and the start of university. When I went to University, unfortunately this blog suffered as I had to focus more on my studies again. 

Three years later, I graduated, with only a few additions to this site. I went into a 9 to 5 for a bit, but I have always known that writing is what I truly wish to do. You can read the first step in my decision to dedicate myself to writing here,

The result of this is that I am giving Refreshing Reviews a much needed update, and the blog will be moving to my website. Here is a direct link to the Refreshing Reviews part of my site: I have copied a few reviews over, however this original site will remain as an archive to my previous posts. 

I hope you enjoy the new layout, and please check out the other sections that I have created. You can now find a Creative Corner, where I will post a random assortment of creative pieces. There is also My Journey, which will give insight into my progression as a Freelance Writer. The Articles page holds any other posts I make.

Thank you very much for your support and for reading my reviews! Please get in contact with me if you wish for me to do any reviews, or even just want a chat about writing, my details can be found on my new website About Me page. 

Kindest regards,

Simone Rhea

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