
Never Give Up

Posted on the 05 October 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

I have a strong connection in prayer.

Even so, there was a time in my younger years where I really wanted something.

It was not anything serious, or important, yet it was desirable to me.

My mother told me maybe I was not meant to have it. However, I did not want to hear that. I felt just the opposite, wondering why not?

Just when I least expected I did receive what I wanted.

As an adult, there have been things that I myself began to think was not meant for me, or that I would never obtain because I was not getting my desired results fast enough. And, these were significant things.

Just when I was about to give up, there it came!

It may sound corny but this is the truth.

God does not operate within the same time frame that we want or expect. Sometimes things come fast, sometimes things come in between, sometimes things come slow, sometimes things do not come at all.

When things do not come at all something better will come along.

The point is to not give up. To keep believing regardless of how you feel or what you do not see.

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