Hair & Beauty Magazine

Neutrogena Naturals Range

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
Neutrogena recently released their Neutrogena naturals range and I had the pleasure of trying the products out. I was actually invited to the launch event in Sydney and of course, didn't make it (surprise, surprise). My life is... bleh. I can't remember why I couldn't make that one; probably because I could not coordinate with Husband's work schedule and organise the kiddos.
Anyhoo, I was fortunate enough to still be sent the products and give them a go.
Neutrogena Naturals Range
The Neutrogena naturals range contains NO harsh chemical sulfates, parabens, petrochemicals, dyes, phthalates - a whole bunch of nasties we really don't want on our faces. One thing that really stands out for this range is how the ingredients and sources are all clearly listed on the back of the products. Even though a lot are very scienc-y terms which I will not claim to understand (I am a Literature person.. and yes, I am perpetuating stereotypes here), I believe this move will not only benefit the smart people who understand ingredients & terms & the like and also, win hearts with transparency and the effort to give extra information.
Neutrogena Naturals Range
Neutrogena Naturals Range The Purifying Facial Cleanser contains "natural salicylic acid from Willowbark bionutrients". This is supposed to "penetrate deep down to the pores" to help wash away impurities as well as detoxify. It is such a gentle cleanser and does lather up yet does not leave the skin feeling dry. I do enjoy using this but it didn't impress me as much as the next one. RRP: $14.99
Neutrogena Naturals Range
Now this one has got to be my absolute favourite of the lot (I featured it in my March Favourites post). I use it every single day and I have such a trusting relationship with it to do its job. The words "Completely removes makeup & gently cleanses for refreshingly clean skin" on the packaging just get me. This one is a "Peruvian Tara Seed bionutrient rich cleanser that leaves skin soft and rinses clean".
I just love the formula so much. On my first use, I was so impressed by it I just didn't know what to do with it (in a good way). It felt so gently, nourishing and smelled so good that I didn't really want to rinse it off. Also, it's developed for "gentle eye area".
How does it perform as a makeup remover? When I wear light makeup (just light coat of mascara, foundation, blush), I wet my face, work the cleanser up in a lather, rinse off and it gets off my makeup just fine. When I have heavier makeup on (thick coats of mascara, dark eyeshadow etc), what I do is put some of the cleanser on a cotton pad then hold the cotton pad over my eyes like you do when using eye makeup remover (I did this as I was curious if it could replace eye makeup remover). It doesn't sting my eye and it is made to be gentle on the eye area; this first go takes away most of the makeup. I then wet my face, work another dose in a lather then rinse. This gets my heavy makeup completely off. No need for extra eye makeup remover etc and very effective! Definitely on my Repurchase list. RRP: $14.99
Neutrogena Naturals Range
The Neutrogena naturals Purifying Pore Scrub has natural Jojoba beads to wash away dull, dead skin cells. It is also tagged "suitable for even acne prone skin" and "gentle enough for everyday". I do not have acne prone skin so I can't speak for that but it is indeed gentle enough for everyday use. Although I do have to add that it is one of those scrubs where you can feel the texture of the beads very clearly (unlike some other scrubs where the beads are micro-beads that you can barely feel). Having said that though, it is certainly not harsh. RRP: $14.99
Neutrogena Naturals Range Neutrogena Naturals Range
The Neutrogena Naturals Face & Body Bar is Avocado & Olive Oil bionutrient rich and was... promptly handed over to my overjoyed husband. My husband often gets jealous of me receiving shopping orders or samples in the mail so I thought this would be a good little treat for him.
Obviously, in a conditional relationship like ours, there were some terms to be met and I said he had to pose with it then. He said okay but it had to be a blurry, dark pic. Fine, couples meet halfway.
Neutrogena Naturals Range The real reason I handed this over to my husband was merely because he uses bar soaps and I don't. His brief comment about it so far is that it is much gentler and more hydrating than the common ones he gets from Aldi (lol). If he is good, we should get him these better Neutrogena ones. RRP: $4.99
Neutrogena Naturals Range
Finally, this Neutrogena Naturals Lip Balm really stole my heart. It has Vitamin E to nourish & soothe and has a long lasting formula. It smells slightly minty and very refreshing. I have been a long time fan of Burt's Bees (I own 4 at any one time, I have repeated this heaps) and.... I am quite tempted to say that this Neutrogena Naturals one might sit way up there in my books as well. I will keep you posted :) Small point but I really like the transparent design of the lip balm tube too. Plus it is really affordable. This is going on my Repurchase List as well. RRP: $4.95
Overall, I am really impressed with this new range. The products are all of high quality, free from nasties, simple yet sleek packaging and definitely affordable. My faves would have to be the Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover and the Lip Balm. Neutrogena, you have done well and I wish I had made it to that event to learn even more!
What do you think of this range? I really like this range I could go on forever...
*These products were sent to me for review purposes. My opinions are honest and uninfluenced.

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