Books Magazine

NaNoWriMo Tips: You Can Read Them Here, in Order...

By Josiebrown @JosieBrownCA

Books don't just fall out of the sky. We who create stories take a lot of time and effort to craft intricate plots, engaging characters, and dialog that, we hope, bring our characters to life--

And make you want more of our books.

Every day through November, I've been supporting those participating in National Novel Writing Month by lauching articles that will help them reach their goal: writing 50,000 words in their novel.

Today's tip is

Tip #8: Why every story needs a beginning, a middle and an end.

As for the ones that preceeded it, here are their links:

Tip #1: Treat writing a if it is your career.

Tip #2: Outline the plot of your story.

Tip #3: Don't give up!

Tip #4: Meet your word count first; then edit.

Tip #5: Show, don't tell.

Tip #6: Recognize when your" backstory" is really your story.

Tip #7: Chapter doesn't work? Fix it in "post."

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