Hair & Beauty Magazine

Nail Growth #5

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
So guys, I have turned to biting again. And not only am I biting my nails but when I have a polish/strengthener on I am peeling it off. This is not doing anything good for my nails. This are super short at the moment and they are just generally horrible. If you have any advise on how to stop biting them please let me know and comment!
So last week I went on my DofE expedition and it made my hands horrible, like seriously they were so dry they were cracking. So when I got home I slathered my hands in Soap and Glory's Hand Food! It is perfect. It moisturizes and smells so good. If you do get dry hands I would definitely say try this product, but if you have sensative skin this may not be for you as it is heavily scented.
Sorry that the post wasn't exactly nail growth related but my nails are just so ugly. Right I am going to stop rambling now thank you see you soon.
Love Allie x x x
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