Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

My Name is Biola...

By Misslara16 @misslara
My name is Biola, you wonder why I hate mothers day, why I do not have a relationship with my mother... Dont judge me listen to me... this is just one of one thousand evil things she did to me... she broke me...
It was a sunday, I was so happy, I was estatic I just got admitted into the  University, I decided to do something special for myself to express what was within. So I quickly grabbed my hair products and headed for Ola Gold. I got there, shared the good news, he did my hair and said it was on the house... I had never felt so beautiful or confident. The hair symbolized my new life of being a young lady in the grown up world it represented how I felt about all the hard work I had put into my life up until that moment in time. Still excited I  headed home.
 "Hi mum", I called as I went straight to my room. A few minutes later I came out grinning from ear to ear saying Mum, "see my new hair is it not nice"? She looked at me with contempt and said "the hair is too wild, is this what you want to go and do in university"? "you didnt tell me you had plans to become a prostitute as soon as you get to campus"...Oh no she didnt, she did not just use the P word! quietly I went into my room I felt like I was put under the earth and made to inhale dust for 10 hours, I felt awful, till now, I have not found words to describe that feeling  I felt that day..."oh maybe she is in a bad mood" I thought,  i let it go.
I had resumed school at the prsetigious City University, I was doing well and I had surrounded my self with positive people, we went to church together and went to school together... life was good. My first semester holiday I went home, I am not very emotional and I do not miss people so much but I went home. I was so happy to see my family. The holiday wasn't particularly pleasant but it was ok before long, it was time to go back to school and that meant shopping for stuff needed. My mom gave my aunty rose some money to help me do some shopping.
My mum, she is good with financial aid but she is the worst emotional aid you could ever think of, she could not care less about what was going on in your head although she could make you the best looking among your equals... back to my shopping spree with aunty Rose. Aunty Rose is what you could refer to as a cool aunty, she is easy to speak to and she had so far helped out with emotional and growing pains. We walked the lenght and breath of the the mall shopping, we were about to go home when we saw this lovely looking lace panties at Alberts... "I love it" I said earnestly, "I want it" I demanded. Without saying a word my aunty bought me these lovely looking lace panties...estatic we went home.
As my mom went through the things we bought she saw the panties "what is this" she yelled, "p..panties" I muttered... as if she had it planned she started to yell and call me names... she told me I was a prostitute and I wore the pants to impress my 'customers' my heart sank and I could not breathe... she said lots of crazy things to me, seized the panties saying she regrets having me as her child and that people who didnt have children were better off. It was at that point I knew in my heart that I had no love for her.
I carefully avoided her, never spoke to her about anything apart from pleasantries and money matters. I could not stand her, my stomach hurts with the thought of hanging out with her. I remember the last time I spoke to her about  some issues with my monthly period, she acused me of being pregnant, I remember when I started puberty, I was a little early and she insinuated I had been with boys... I was 11 years old for christ sakes. Its been an awful ride and I know in my heart that I do not love her... I have decided to remain civil towards her though... My name is Biola and this is how I feel.

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