Hair & Beauty Magazine

My 5 Winter Essentials

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

#Bigblogmasproject2014 Day 1

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Hey There,

So this year I have decided to take part in the #Bigblogmasproject2014 organised by the lovely Coleoftheball and post everyday in December…(Wish me luck).

My first post of December is all about my top 5 ‘Winter Essentials’. I think it is safe to say, we all hibernate a bit more come winter time, whether its the darker nights keeping us in, or the cold weather, it is just nice to have the excuse to indulge in more hot chocolates, wrap up in cosy outfits, (Onesies, and dressing gowns being the main attire of the winter nights), and veg out on the sofa.

 1- Night Cream. It is so important to keep your skin hydrated, especially in this colder weather, where the skin can become sore and chapped. I know I have to increase the protection, my face begins to drink products at this time of year, so I often add in an extra face oil or serum, and apply a richer night cream such as  Origins Night A Mins.

2 – Lip Balm. It isn’t just the face and body that gets dry in the winter months, the lips are one of the worst affected areas, and for me, there is nothing worse than having chapped lips. They feel awful, don’t exactly look great, and lets face it, no lippy looks good on them. I’ve been putting my Maybelline Baby Lips daily, for protection and prevention.

3 – Hand Cream. Now I’m not using Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Hand Treatment at the moment, but I don’t think there is anything else quite like it. It is perfect for an overnight hand treatment. A little bit too intense for a day time top up, but it does the job. I still suffer from Eczema on my knuckles, and it tends to flare up at this time of year, so hand creams are a must for me.

4- Dressing Gown. As I said above, is there any other appropriate attire for a winter evening? I was brought my dressing gown for Christmas from Next a couple years ago and I just love it. It keeps me warm, and cosy.

5 – Hot Chocolate. This could be the best thing about winter. Now my hot chocolates aren’t exactly Starbucks standards, but they are a definite winter essential. And you can’t have one with out cream and marshmallows, right?

 What are your winter essentials? Do you change your Beauty routine?

Lots of Love,


P.S To keep up with my daily posts in December, make sure you follow me on ‘bloglovin’.

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