Hair & Beauty Magazine

My 2016 Resolutions

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
I know this is a little bit late as it is now February however I just never got round to putting this post up.. but I want to document my resolutions (mainly for myself)!
My 2016 resolutions
1. Have a healthy baby & settle into being a mom of 2
Of course the most important thing is getting this little baby girl out of me as safely as possible and take time to adjust to being a mom of 2. It's hard working from home with blogging and flogging but I need to make sure I do take some time out when I have her so I don't find the juggle quite as bad.

2. Continue saving for the wedding
We only have until September to get our savings together so we need to crack down on this. TSB have a great new year money resolutions guide if this is one of your resolutions too!

3. Try to stress less
This is probably a bit optimistic considering we are about to have another newborn however I am always stressing over the stupid little things that don't really matter. I want to try and cut down on that and just focus on spending time with my girls and slow down a bit and stop rushing everything I do!
4. Lose the baby weight
I will start to eat clean as soon as the baby is out however I can't start exercise until 6 weeks post partum. I am going to really focus on this for the wedding obviously as I want to look like me again and feel confident on my big day! I have done a more in depth post on how I plan to lose the baby weight here.

What are your resolutions?
*In collaboration with TSB
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